Messaging Your Course Facilitator

Rachel Ricci Updated by Rachel Ricci

There are two ways to contact your course facilitator through your Canvas Account.

  1. Click on the Help icon in the upper right corner of your page.
  • Select Ask Your Facilitator a Question.
  • Choose the relevant course from the dropdown and type in your message.
  • Click on Send Message.
  • Once sent, you can see the message by clicking the Inbox icon at the top of your page and selecting Sent from the dropdown menu.

  1. Click on the Inbox icon on the upper right of your Dashboard
  • Click the Compose pencil icon to start a new message.
  • To select your current course, click Select Course, then hover over Favorite Courses and select the course in question.

  • In the To field, click the Contacts icon on the right.
  • Select Teachers.
  • Select the course facilitator name from the list of teachers.
  • Type your message into the message field, and click Send.
Note: Once a course has ended, the messaging feature will no longer be active.
How can I call my facilitator?
Facilitators are not able to communicate with students outside of the learning environment (Canvas). Therefore, phone calls, individual Zoom sessions, or emailing outside of Canvas Inbox as described in this article are prohibited. If you have a question, we encourage you to ask in the Student Lounge as this gives your peers the opportunity to learn along with you, or to use Canvas Inbox if your question(s) are more individualized or sensitive.
Can I schedule a one-on-one tutoring session?
Course facilitators are available for occasional support and cannot provide personalized tutoring services. Due to the fast-paced nature of these short courses, they are unable to allocate extensive time to individual students, a circumstance not expected of them. Course facilitators are unable to provide additional tutoring or one-on-one assistance beyond the standard weekly Live Sessions offered by each facilitator to students as a group.
I'd like to reach out to a facilitator I had in a previous course. How can I do that?
Given that facilitators are contracted for specific course sections, they are only available to students during the window of time the course is active. Therefore, once a course ends and closes, you will not be able to communicate with them.

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