Tracking Your Program Progress

Monique Staats Updated by Monique Staats

You are able to check your progress towards earning your credential at any time. This article will show you how to check your overall credential status; if you are looking to check your individual course status, visit this article instead.

Log in to your Student Portal and do the following:

  1. Click Credentials at the left. Mobile users, click the Menu icon, then click Welcome [Your Name] to see the Credential link.

Desktop View

Mobile View

  1. Click the title of the program toward which you are working. Mobile users may need to scroll to see the complete listing.
  2. You will see the details of your credential with all required courses listed. Pay close attention to the numbers listed by Required Courses and Completed — this is the number of courses required for your credential program and the number of courses that you have successfully completed so far.
    1. If the Completed total does not match the number of registered courses that have ended in the list below, one or more courses did not meet course requirements to pass. To verify which courses are incomplete, from the left-hand navigation in your Student Portal, click Enrollment History. Under Previous Courses, note those with Final Grade of Incomplete, then contact Student Support for assistance.
  3. In the Status column, courses that have been registered and ended with a complete grade will show as Completed with the end date of the course. If the course is still in progress, ended without successful completion, or has been registered for but not yet started, it will show as Incomplete. If nothing is listed in the Status column, you have not yet registered/selected a start date for that course.
I enrolled for a program bundle. How do I select my course start dates?
Learn how to select your start dates and create your custom schedule in this article.
Why are there other programs listed that I didn't purchase?
Our system tracks overlapping course requirements across programs. You may see other programs listed that you did not purchase because some of the courses in your purchased program overlap with others. Because of that, they remain on your student portal as a progress tracker of sorts to let you know that if you ever wish to engage in this additional program, you will have already completed some of the required courses. The listing of programs is not an indication of purchases made, and if you prefer to have these removed from your portal, please contact Student Support via Note that if you ever need a Transcript, these programs will show up on a Transcript as In Progress.

If you would like to purchase access to additional courses to complete additional programs, please contact your Enrollment Counselor, or our Enrollment Team via

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Locating An Old Credential

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