Locating HRCI codes, PMI codes, SHRM codes, and CEUs

Monique Staats Updated by Monique Staats

All eCornell courses earn CEUs. If your course also qualifies for recertification credits, the HRCI codes and PMI codes will be located on your Record of Coursework/Transcript, in addition to the CEUs. To find these, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Student Portal.
  2. Click on Enrollment History.
  3. Click the Completed tab.
  4. Under Previous Courses, click the Print Transcript button.
  5. Click Print to begin the download of a PDF report.
    Your transcript report includes:
    1. All courses with associated CEUs.
    2. If applicable, recertification credit codes earned (HRCI recertification credits, PDUs).
    3. All certificates you have completed, are enrolled in, or have credits for.
How do I request an Official Transcript?
The transcript printed using the instructions above will include all necessary information for your records and many organizations. However, if you would like a printed copy, please reach out to Student Support via ec_helpdesk@cornell.edu.

NOTE: Student Support can send the document directly to an institution using a secure service, but it cannot be sent using Parchment or Clearinghouse. eCornell records and transcripts do not include a wet signature or official seal, even when sent directly by Student Support.
Where's my letter of completion?
To download your Confirmation of Completion letter, follow these instructions.
Why are there other certificates listed that I didn't purchase?
Our system tracks overlapping course requirements across programs. You may see other certificates listed that you did not purchase because some of the courses in your purchased program overlap with others. Because of that, they remain on your student portal as a progress tracker to let you know that if you ever wish to engage in this additional program, you will have already completed some of the required courses. The listing of certificates is not an indication of purchases made, and if you prefer to have these removed from your portal, please contact Student Support via ec_helpdesk@cornell.edu. Note that if you ever need a Transcript, these certificates will show up on a Transcript as "In Progress".

If you would like to purchase access to additional courses to complete additional programs, please contact your Enrollment Counselor, or our Enrollment Team via ecornellinfo@cornell.edu.
What kind of recertification credits does eCornell offer?
You can view a full list of eCornell's Professional Accreditations here. Note that eCornell courses are not eligible for academic credit.

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