Prerequisites for eCornell Courses

Are there prerequisites for eCornell courses?

Most eCornell courses do not have prerequisites, and most programs can be taken in any order.

However, we do have some programs that are required to be taken in a particular sequence for the learning experience to be of the greatest value. Prior to enrollment, be sure to check your program's description for a note about prerequisites. During checkout, you will also see an alert on the Select Start Dates page if your program requires or recommends a specific order. Your enrollment counselor can also answer any questions about required or recommended course order.

If you are already enrolled, be sure to read through your enrollment confirmation and course reminder emails, as these will contain important information about your courses, including any required prerequisites. Should you have questions about your course order, please reach out to Student Support at, or use the Live Chat function.

When transferring courses, note that the system will not auto-transfer the rest of your schedule. If you wish to adjust your entire schedule, you will need to transfer each individual course.

How many courses can I take at the same time?
Visit this article to learn about the recommended pacing for eCornell courses.
How long are eCornell courses?
Visit this article to read more about the length of eCornell courses.

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Schedule Customization and Course Pacing

Do I Have To Select Start Dates For All Of My Courses?

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