Creating A Video Response In A Discussion

Monique Staats Updated by Monique Staats

To create a video response to the "Meet Your Class", or any other discussion, click Reply, directly beneath the prompt:

When the text box expands, click Upload/Record Media.

You may see a popup toward the top of your browser window. Click Allow to use your camera (your browser may also ask you to confirm that you’ve allowed your camera to be used).

Select the Record tab and then click Start Recording to begin. You will be given a 3-second countdown before the recording begins.

Once you’ve finished recording, click Save Media to post your video.


  • iOS users, the file will need to be converted if you recorded the video on your phone and are uploading it from iOS. If you experience difficulty with this file being converted in Canvas, please email the HelpDesk at and attach the file recording.
  • The maximum file size is ~500mb. Canvas uses ~200Kbps stream, however, this differs per computer setup. At the rate Canvas records, you would generate one megabyte every five seconds, which works out to about 12MB per minute of recording. So, an eight-minute video would be under 100MB, which means that Canvas should be able to record up to 40 minutes of continuous video.
  • If you have a slow Internet connection, it could take several minutes to save the file to Canvas. 

How do I include an image in my discussion post?
Visit this article for help inserting images within a discussion posting or ePortfolio.

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