Understanding Your Grade Book

Monique Staats Updated by Monique Staats

In order to successfully complete your courses, we highly encourage you to use your grade book as a tool to help you keep track of your progress in each course and to ensure that you have met all requirements to pass your course.

Below is a breakdown of what each of the icons and areas mean. Note that course design varies based on topic, so you may not see all of the symbols/content mentioned here.

Grades will usually be a check mark or an X, which stands for Complete/Incomplete.

Sometimes, you may see a number grade (usually with quizzes and/or coding assignments).

If an assignment has a possible point value of 0, it may mean that a submission is not required (for example, early parts of the course project; some facilitators add it as a progress tracker but don’t require a submission). Always check the assignment instructions to determine whether something needs to be submitted.

A paper icon means that a file was uploaded (usually for the Course Project assignment or other file upload assignments). Note that this only means a file was received, it doesn’t guarantee that it is the correct/appropriate file or file type.

A conversation icon under the Status column means it is a discussion board assignment and a response was posted. Note that it does not guarantee that the response meets requirements.

A conversation icon in the far right column means a comment was left on the submission page

The Score column will have icons as placeholders while a grade is pending, and will then change to a check, X, or number once graded.

The percentage total at the bottom is usually based on the submitted/graded assignments, so always be sure to look through the entire grade book and compare the received grades to the assignment value (under the Out Of column).

A flag of "Late" under the Status column will not count against you, as long as you submit your work before the course ends. The screenshot below is an example of a quiz that was taken beyond the suggested 'due date' and was flagged 'late' but still earned full points.

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