"Entity Not Found" Error Message

Why am I seeing an "Entity Not Found" error message during registration?

The error messages "Group not found", "Entity not found", and "You do not appear to be associated with this group" are all indicative of a problem with the group code. To fix this error, please ensure you have the proper group code. Then proceed with the following:

  1. Clear your browser's cookies, cache, and history. If you are unsure how to do this, visit this article for help.
  2. Completely exit and reopen your browser, then return to your registration portal. If you return to your portal and see that your shopping cart is NOT empty, or you are still logged in, please repeat the first step.
  3. Add items to your shopping cart and continue the checkout process.
  4. On the profile tab, where you see Name, Address, Employer Information. Scroll approximately halfway down the page. You will see the area for group code. Please be sure to enter this information here.

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