Grading Scheme

Monique Staats Updated by Monique Staats

How are courses graded?

All of our courses, with a few exceptions, are graded on a numerical score basis.

For most courses to be considered complete, you must finish ALL course requirements and achieve a cumulative score of 85% for each. After reviewing your Grades (see below for steps to locate them), if you still have questions about your course status, please reach out to Student Support via for further clarification.

Note: For courses taken before January 2025, grading was based on a complete/incomplete system, requiring a cumulative score of 100% to achieve complete status. All courses must meet the specific grading requirements outlined in the course syllabus that was in effect at the time the course was taken
How can I tell if I have completed my course requirements?
Visit this article for help locating and understanding your grade book.
Where's my letter of completion?
Visit this article for help finding and downloading your Confirmation of Completion Letter.
Do any courses have a number grade?
Yes, eCornell courses reflect a number grade (0-100). Be sure to check your course syllabus to determine the threshold passing score.

Note that final recorded grades are recorded as a whole number, which cannot be rounded. For example, a score of 99.1 or 99.9 will both equal 99. No exceptions or adjustments can be made to this recorded number grade.

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