
Keynotes: Will you share documents shown in the Keynote?

Given that eCornell does not own the rights to the materials shared during Keynote events, documents will not be available on an ad hoc basis. Viewers can access resources shared within the event via…


Keynotes: Will I be able to earn CEUs?

You will not be able to earn CEUs at this time. However, we are in the process of developing the ability to earn CEUs for watching these presentations. What are CEUs? Continuing Education Unit (CEU).


Keynotes: Is this event free?

Yes, always! Keynotes are available to the public, and open to anyone to attend virtually. To attend, we will just ask your name and email address to send you the event link.


Keynotes: Trouble Registering For a Live Event

Read this article if you are having trouble registering for an event.


Keynotes: Unsubscribe From Mailing List

Simply click 'unsubscribe' at the bottom of the email, and you will be taken off the list.


Keynotes: Will this event be recorded?

Yes, they are! To access the recording, go to the same URL as the registration confirmation email you received. The event recording will be available moments after the live session is over. Please no…


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